Shire Homes - Running Party

Shire House - 3 Harrow Road, Foghollow Shire Homesteads

  • Music: 'Vales of Anduin' Secondary Theme
  • Theme: Party House

  • The outside is a mix-match of leftover decorations that still fit the party theme of the house.
  • The entire concept of the house was to squeeze every single food decoration from the Midsummer Festival into one place. This hurts a lot when you need to occupy more than a dozen slots to fill two picnic tables. 
  • Combining the Inn League taxidermi and kegs was near impossible to do in a single room. So, both side rooms are used to accommodate these items. 

Shire House - 3 Brookbank Street, Foghollow Shire Homesteads

  • Music: 'The Black Grave' Themes
  • Theme: Haunted House
  • With all the decorations available that are designed around Angmar and Mordor, creating a haunted house theme was one of the first and easiest decisions to make. As much as I could have added a broken Sauron statue or a couple of watchers, the decorations initially placed outside were more than enough to fill all the yard slots. The decorative gourds on top of the hill was a perfect spot to summon the ghost to haunt the neighborhood. 
  • While the dias might now be considered a great centerpiece, the original blueprints called for the jagged tips of the spires and the wind sound effects from the Standing Stone. This was adjusted when more decorations were placed down into the various rooms. It created both a symmetrical and asymmetrical outlook at the same time when you first enter the house.
  • The Unwelcome Mat was included inside the house for greater effect.
  • The tables and chairs were originally placed on both sides of the main chamber but later moved closer to the fireplace due to their more sillier nature.
  • Study equipment and books were all arranged in the other corner of the house.
  • While I may not have every decoration from the Remmorchant raid, the ickiness of the larvae had kinship members easily part ways of them. If there were more slots available, you'll see more of them oozing around on the floor. I thought about adding a smoke column for more atmosphere, but it detracted from what could be seen from the doorway.
  • In the other room, the ominous pool proved to be the perfect size. When you realize what's in it, the caged dead man makes more sense overhead. I had originally added Azog's head on a pole with a bag of coins hanging out of his mouth, but the barrel with tentacles hanging out fit the overall theme better.