Erebor House - Stones & Ice

Erebor House - 12 Wyrmhoard Bridge, Velthing. Erebor Homestead.

  • Environment: Gundabad (Mattugard) brightens up the atmosphere.
  • Music: Black Book of Mordor Themes II, Prancing Pony, Black Book of Mordor Themes I


  • The basic Erebor home can become crowded with the limited space. At the very least, there needs to be a clean pathway from the fence to the entrance of the house. This won't be straight since the fence isn't directly centered with the yard. I added crystals to highlight where a person needs to go.
  • To the left are the stone dwarves. I added a bunch of things from dwarf ballistics, cave claw mount, a couple of traditional Gundabad pieces, and the infamous Dainlik center piece. The way the basalt pull away from the statue really highlights its features.
  • To the right are the ice dwarves. Anything that had snow or ice was included: the chest, winter birdhouse, snowy Bingo Boffin, and the goat with icicles on the end of its horns.
  • Only the toughest steeds are shown here. Ponies are on the left and goats on the right.


  • The entrance is a lot brighter than before with soft light fixtures against a black background.
  • The banker with coins remained, but I allowed a more neutral brown background to show along with the War of Three Peaks table set.
  • The wall creating two smaller rooms has been removed as well as the kegs. The bedroom has been expanded into a study room.
  • There is a slight jab with how the callbox decoration is setup right next to the large firepits. The decoration will do nothing as this is a self-serving area.
  • The Moria Geode completely engulfs the entire room but it is perhaps the best thing to include in an area so large. I had originally added the Moria mirrors but their sheer size didn't quite match the atmosphere.
  • The rock room perhaps took the longest time to adjust. It wasn't until I added the intense yellow light did I realize that the flowstones were really the room's best feature. It might seem like the dig site would have been a natural choice to include but it wasn't added until way later.
  • I've always wanted to do something with the small gap underneath the staircase but there are a limited number of slots that reach way back there. I thought about adding a door to make it appear you are entering into another dimension but felt as if leaving a few trinkets from your experience in Gundabad would probably be for the best. 
  • Although you might not see it from the photo, there is a red candlelight added in front of the frame to make it appear as if the Balrog is still breathing. 
  • The attic was completely redesigned. As much as I will miss the dark shrine that's attached to the Felbeast head trophy, the design was too extravagant to keep. Instead, the dwarf tombs seen in Stonejaws with a couple of "ghost" dwarves was a better fit. The fiery embers rising from the ground might not be a good choice for such a setup but it creates a sort of natural uneasiness that fits the theme.