Belfalas House - Arnorian Search
Belfalas House - 1 Cliff Road, Iphantrad. Belfalas Homesteads
- Environment: Gondor - Day of Coronation
- Music: Summerdays Music Box, Snowy Peaks Theme
- The water theme remains mostly intact. There's a few changes with some of the smaller pieces.
- The Standing Stone is still present in the upper area but the Witchking fire-pit was pulled in exchange of a large white block to stand on at the top of the stairs. It is one of the many humorous decorations obtained from Gondor Renewed quest pack.
- There were quite a bit of color experimentation inside the house but the original white and Arnorian textures were good enough.
- Despite the location being relatively close to the housing hub, there wasn't really any other location to put functional decorations like the banker and barber. Besides, they wear the appropriate attire for the location. I don't think I would have grabbed the supplier horn if it wasn't for the massive sale.
- The entrance is filled with boats and bookshelves with several miscellaneous items upstairs.
- Replicating the Arnor style that was originally at the kinhouse was a relatively easy decision to make. The tapestries were not removed from their original positions.
- The Sealed Arnorian Entryway is large enough to be placed as a backdrop for one of the side rooms. The statue earned from the Black Grave instance matches the tomb aspect very well on the other side.
- The back room is honestly filled with a bunch of random decorations from troll heads to candelaberum. However, the additional treasure chests and gold coins do contribute to the overall theme of the house.