Highlights: Anvil of Winterstitch Progress
December 22nd
Anvil of Winterstitch: For several months we have attempted to finish this raid. In all honesty, I didn't think we would ever get past the first boss. SSG has tweaked the encounter so many times to fit their Tier 2 and Tier 3 experience that a lot of us that are still trying to get through Tier 1 were left behind. Now that Minas Morgul came out and stats have doubled once again, we can now say we managed to get past the first boss. Of course we weren't able to complete the instance. Away Shall Fade is known for having fun and you could say that there were some level 130s carrying a few of us undergeared minions through the instance. Some might say it is because we had all sorts of people from First Age Fun. Others might say it was because we had the luck of a new recruit. But we all must agree that it will definitely not be because Elaelin was on vacation. So what happened?
"If only we had the Blessing of Elaelin, we could fall off cliffs and lose our way more often." - Fanrel
Roster: It started when our new recruit Grimbori was hoping to run something, anything. We recruited Rinri but he kept having issues with his Internet connection and Ventrilo. Gabranthe stepped up and wanted to try Anvil of Winterstitch. We grabbed Ainnurhashashin, Udiobgob, Camution, Reghina, Thurallor, Findecuthalion, Viradriel, Philippiness, Skortche. Our warden had 358,000 morale and the captain 268,000 morale. Udiobgob, Grimbori and Fanrel didn't even have 100,000 morale. Grimbori won the Wall-Mounted Club which he was kind enough to give me for the kinhouse. He seemed awfully satisfied when people were providing him level 120 equipment drops over his Mordor gear. I wish I could thank whoever brought the Repair Anvil for the first boss. Ainnurhashashin won the Hrimil Ice Sculpture. The night was getting late by the third boss and even after running back to repair, Reghina going link dead, having three disabled by the boss barrier, losing members immediately after failing, we still were not able to beat him. At least we were able to figure some things out.
"Wish these tanks would do a better job holding aggro." - Udiobgob sarcastically remarked
Guide: Dadi's Boss 1 and Boss 2 guides do help a lot in figuring out the raid, but I was hoping to try and condense it.
Isvitha the Gluttonous (Boss 1)
- Watch for dropped ice, usually can tell by orange circles. Generally avoid it by getting close to the ice wall.
- If you get a purple eye, usually announced beforehand, the boss will follow you. Run in circles around the dps group.
- Adds spawn at around 95%, 70%, 40% boss morale. Kill the Ice Drake and pull the other two drakes near the boss so dps can AoE them.
- Watch for BELLY FLOP! Boss stretches up like a scared black cat beforehand. Run away!
- You have 9 minutes before RAGE timer.
Thirteen Kings (Boss 2): Ingor I The Cruel summons 3 dwarves to his side. Dadi's suggested kill order is:
- Ingor I The Cruel - huge wound damage, must be healed max; cruel strike: -10% heal debuff on the tank for 1m (stacks)
- Rurek VI Shamed - bubble, must be destroyed in 30 seconds
- Stoneface - melee reflect, Use TACTICAL damage
- Dobruz the Unheeding - chases random target, retaunt
- Luvek I The Rueful - +Damage buff, no counter
- Brunek I Clovenbrow - throws axes at random target, interruptable channel
- Mozun III Wyrmsbane - blue eye worm frost breath, no counter
- Oiko II Rill-Seeker - ice wave, directional, no counter
- Dobruz II Stark-Heart - Ally Buff Armor, interrupt
- Oiko I The Bellower - Ally Buff Damage, Interrupt
- Kuzek I Squint-Eye - 180 degree stun
- Brantokh I Cracktooth - Stun
- Brantokh II The Sunderer - Stun at minimun 10meters away
In our run, we elected to kill Oiko II Rill-Seeker, Ingor I The Cruel, Brunek I Clovenbrow, Dobruz the Unheeding. Oiko's frost wave can kill people instantly while Brunek's axe throw and Dobruz aggro tauntrum were merely annoying. The only other source I could find information on for the last two bosses was in a raid review and even then it wasn't as informative as I hoped. Note that we never did finish boss 3 and never attempted boss 4.
Vethug and Karazgar (Boss 3):
- Make sure you are inside the room or the boss barrier will trap you.
- Damage increases overtime from 1 to 10. Rank 9 is 180% damage, Rank 10 is 800%.
- Casts frost on one with the blue eye. No counter. Will follow target. Hits all around target. Does around 50,000 and can kill a target with 100,000 morale at around Rank 6 damage buff.
- At 40% Morale, Icicles will be targetable. Stop damage on boss. Pull him underneath (see shadow on ground). Knock 3 down on top of him. He doesn't have to reach 0 Morale.
- The two will split after phase 1. You can heal, resurrect, retrait, rebuff before it starts.
Hrimil (Boss 4) :
- After 2 second stun run behind ice rocks or instantly killed. Tank can stay (maybe).
- After a certain yell she will knock everyone back, run towards boss so you don't go over cliff.
- Eye separate from group, boss casts AoE damage on target.
- Phase 2 when health bar turns green (immune) around 80% health, get to the very tip of the south cliff. Floor cracks. Don't move. Let yourself naturally fall off. It collapses. Then run ignoring all adds.
- At the end, go left (or the top route)
Did you know: A whitesmith is a metalworker who does finishing work on iron and steel such as filing, lathing, burnishing or polishing. The term also refers to a person who works with "white" or light-coloured metals, and is sometimes used as a synonym for tinsmith.