The Hunter

Highlights: Fanrel travels through the Wold

March 13th - March 14th

Riders of Rohan was a very strange expansion. I bought the expansion for $40 when it first came out. Then I saw the backlash of it being offered for 4250 Turbine points after the grace period. Nowadays? 1495 lp for the instance cluster, 1495 lp for the quest pack, or 2495 lp for all of it. I'm not quite sure where the mounted steeds fall. You can obtain medium steeds by default but everyone agrees that it is the heavy or the light steeds where the real fun is. The pre-purchase equipment of Isengard can't technically be bought, but you can use 295 lp for any of the hooded versions of the three cloaks if you want to be more akin to the Rohan expansion.

Lore. As mentioned in my previous post, the epic quests first take you to the East Wall. Then you backtrack to the Wold. Then after completing the expansion, it jumps north into Wildermore and then into West Rohan. The lore states that Rohan’s northernmost border march, the Wold is all but cut off from the capital at Edoras but its men are no less loyal for it. Beset on all sides by enemies, Orcs massing to the west and Easterlings crossing the Anduin to the east, the Rohirrim of the North-march refuse to abandon their watch even when ordered. Their leader, Aldor Harding, would give his life to save Rohan from its enemies and believes it is fated for him to do so. For more information, you can visit the website explaining full details of the Eorl Hallow (or also known as the Eorl Memorial, the decoration sitting at the kinhouse). This is quite contrary to Stangard's loyal forces where many are sent there as punishment for petty crimes.



My time in Stangard did not prepare me for what would come in Langhold. I was greeted by Thane of Langhold and given a quite warm welcome... with some help of his wife of course. Cillan made sure to prepare a meal for my arrival. I took some time to rest just before the sunset. When I awoke, I took a moment to make the acquaintances with the local wild life. There I found small creatures running around without a fear in the world. No, not hobbits. Human kids. They apparently were playing a game of "Brigand-bashing" as they would call it (Instance: A Game of Brigand-bashing). My hunter speed made the game child's play... but I think that was the point.


It wasn't too much longer before I was interrupted by some commotion at the gate. Though they might have expected some brigands or Easterlings to sneak into the fortress, it was actually a salamander of some kind. They must have seen that I was a trained hunter for they came and asked me personally to track down the salamander's lair and stamp out the Rohirrim's troubles at the source. The sun had already set but my senses were still alert. It didn't take too much longer to find the four-legged raptors water source by the ruins to the southwest. I also stumbled across a small brigand camp and made friends with a cute snake minding its own business by the campfire.


It was nearly midnight by the time I arrived back at Langhold. There I overheard the guards arguing over who would go on patrol. I mocked them by stating that the children were more brave. I see the Rohirrim were more cunning than me for they personally asked if I had such courage. I took one glance out to the east and spotted their mighty towers overlooking the eastern river. Without saying a word, I hopped onto my steed and headed to the nearest outpost.


Everything seemed to be in order until one guard admitted news of a great bird circling overhead. Perhaps it was Landroval or one of his convocation. I snuck past the Easterlings and found a large wooden fence. There I looked up and found a giant bird made out of wood like the one I found in The Brown Lands. I let go of the fence and started to make my way back when I realized I did not feel at ease at this revelation. The terrible dread I felt when Nona was collapsed on the ground returned to me. I turned to the gate again and looked through another opening. That is when I saw it. A Nazgul.


I had to return to the Thane at once. I shouted to the guard at the watchtower to prepare for the worst as my steed blared through without missing a beat. I tore open the mead hall's door and told the Thane everything that I saw. He stared gravely into the distance and knew an evacuation was in order. The women and children gather their things but struggle on the road. Their homes and their husbands, fathers are being left behind. But their fears come true. As soon as the sun begins to rise, the Nazgul flies overhead with an army backing him. The town is in ruins.




 It is nearly high noon before we arrived in Harwick. Everyone is tired and exhausted from the trip. Their morale is low without a home or a family to care for them. If the Thane of Langhold welcomed me with such open arms, surely the Thane of Harwick would too. Sadly, that wasn't the case. Although they are devasted to hear such dreaded news from Langhold, they aren't too keen on opening their town to anyone. Cíllan is offered to set up a refugee camp just on the outskirts of town while I am not even trusted to have access to the meadhall.


I don't like this. I don't like this one bit. The Harwick Guard sees the fire in my eyes when he acknowledges my presence during the siege of Langhold. He tells me that the Thane does not like being interrupted during one of his meetings but then props open the door just enough for me to enter. When I come in, Harding doesn't even turn his chair around. He is too busy discussing tactics against the Easterlings with the Captain of the Guard (Instance: Meet Harding). I am only able to get a few words in before he turns his head and starts accusing me as a spy. The nerve of the guy! He deems me as a trespasser and makes the guards report my actions!


What was I to do? Just get thrown out without a say in the matter? Coincidentally, I stumbled across four strange riders who just arrived at the entrance. They too have been rejected from the thane. So they offer to tell their stories as they prepare their horses. A captain, a spearman, an archer, and an axeman dispatched by Lord Eomer to harry the Orcs roving the plains of the Mark on their way to Edoras. I didn't have anything better to do so I offered my services against the Easterling camps. I soon discovered a camp riddled with fire oil, the same oil I use for my arrows and the same kind Resolina mentioned from her letters from Mordor. This does not bode well at all for a town made entirely out of wood.


I didn't just offer my services to The Riders Four. Feldburg also needed some help. Bears, salamanders, Easterlings - what else could I run into? Well I met these... evil things that explode with... you know what, I don't think I should even mention them. Oh look, I think I accidentally burned the screenshot when I threw it into the campfire. Oh well. The good news is Cíllan was also fed up with everything. She called a meeting and word got to Captain Agelmund about my good deeds in Feldburg. Harding apologized for his actions and welcomed me back into Harwick crowning me Knight of the Wold (Instance: Welcome to Harwick). I told him I would only accept his apology if I got a horse, had proper training, and Bingo got one too. Although the Refugees still weren't offered free services, a kind man (and I hesitate to calling him kind) offered his house for a small fee (and I say that while gritting my teeth). I think the kids will definitely have their work cut out for them.



Resolina makes it sound so easy - riding a Rohirrim steed that is. Whether it because she is from Rohan or I'm accustomed to walking like Bingo is another matter. Sometimes I feel as if I'm being pulled around like some rubberband. Still, it does make traveling that much faster. I'll just use my regular steed for everyday activities. I decided to travel southward to Floodwend. What the town lacked in guards was made up with its strategically placed location. I had hoped to find the Thane of this great place. What I found was Radwig, a small boy in stature. He seemed eager for battle but his mother, Etta, was fearful of losing another one she cared for. Their fortification seemed strong, but I knew the enemy was planning something. Langhold fell against an army of speed, Harwick would have fallen to a fire attack, then Floodwend would be attacked from afar. 


Radwig abides by his mother's wishes to stay behind but gave me permission to ride out against the enemy. To the east was an army of orcs chopping down trees. They were stockpiling and transporting them to Sarn Gebir. There resided a camp of Easterlings with large seige weapons within their grasp. They were built similar to the ones I saw in Mirkwood but with stronger foundations. They won't burn as easy. I will have to use my woodcarving axe on these ones. But the tents I will burn. I have to burn something with all those torches laying around.


That is when I saw it. The same thing I saw when I first stepped into the Wold - Nazgul. That foul beast of his was perched on top of the house, standing there... menacingly. I do not recall what happened next. I hid my face and cowled against his presence. A shadow briefly blocked out the sun as the wind of his beast's wings nearly took my hat off. The dread was dissipating. When I looked up, I saw he had left eastward. I knew we would meet again someday.


The red sky meant it was time for me to head back. I had hoped the refugees made it alright into their new home. I had hoped to meet the Four Riders again on the road. But most importantly, I had hoped Resolina was doing well. Last thing she included in her letter was something about smashing boats together. Sounds dangerous.


