Resolina's Floor is Lava Setup

Highlights: Preparations for Resolina's Floor is Lava Event

Script (Set title to: Caretaker of the Forgotten Treasury)

  1. Please come in and stay on the carpet for the time being. Everything will be explained shortly.
  2. Welcome to Resolina's "Drunken Wizard Magic" race to save the kinhouse! I am your host, Resolina! --- Hatric told me to say that.
  3. Last night someone came in, calling himself a "wizard", asked for some of our finest ale for him and his friends. Afterwards we found the place a mess, literally. Though, I guess you wouldn't really expect it any other way...
  4. I should have known better than to serve a bunch of stout axe dwarves. Just a bunch of lazy rune-keepers if you ask me. "Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, can stop them!" they kept shouting. Just look at this place!
  5. You must strive to put right what once went wrong by imbuing a special crystal and placing it inside an ancient elvish artifact. Grab a shard from the Moria Geode in the right wing and hand it to the High Elf in the left wing (just touch the decorations). Then reach the artifact at the very end in the center chamber.
  6. Rewards: There will be a total of six optional rewards given out to the first three players that finish the obstacle course (first come, first serve).  You do not have to worry about avoiding the floor when you return to the entrance.
  7. Rules: Turn off all speed buffs (Hunter Find the Path, High Elf Grace of the Firstborn, etc). You must restart at a previous checkpoint when touching the lava - Rugs, Stairs, and Reflection Pool. This is an "Honest" race. I'm not going to judge you for every fall you make. And you don't have to jump on every item.
  8. Walking on decorations can be very glitchy. Things might go easier in 1st-person view and more fun with floating names off (neither a requirement). Fire sparks up when touching the floor (but can also happen periodically just standing around). I'm going to try and take some pictures as everyone runs around so do your best to ignore me... well, at least during the event.
  9. Any questions before we start?
  10. You may begin!


Notes (For housing decorations)

  • Shields point downward to where announcer started.
  • Snowy Peaks is the set music.
  • Craft-made items, like bookcases and beds, have good substance.
  • Barter items, Rohirrim and Gondorian, have solidity but with an exaggerated boundary.
  • Elven Screen's boundary was fixed a few patches ago.
  • Some items - like Mine Cart, Cat Cushion, and Rohirrim Bookcase - have no solidity.
  • Certain rare items, like Draigoch's Fireplace, are see-through from the back.
  • Rugs don't display anything from the bottom.
  • Udunion's Swords spark fire.
  • The back of a Red Chair looks like a flame.
  • Mount Doom decoration has a darker tint than This Floor is Lava surface.

This is going to take me 3 hours to setup

Screenshots Before:


Screenshots After:

Screen-Shot-2019-09-13-152616-0 Screen-Shot-2019-09-13-152519-0
Screen-Shot-2019-09-13-152550-0 Screen-Shot-2019-09-13-152605-0

Walkthrough: First Floor and Second Floor





