Patience Young Elf

Last Week Highlights: Fanrel stumbles into Sarnúr, battles against Moria forces, and takes down the leaders of The Grand Stair.

October 16

Moria Monday: Skûmfil, Forgotten Treasury, The Grand Stair/The Mirror-halls of Lumul-nar. A champion needed to do his class quest in Skûmfil. Hatric managed to gain and complete some shared quests inside the instance. Fanrel was ready to complete some quests in Forgotten Treasury. The next part the groups decided to split up. Bizinga needed his hunter quest (and a slew of other quests) to The Grand Stair. A couple of other people joined me in The Mirror-halls of Lumul-nar.

Other: Someone gave me their Moria Purple Crystal (an anniversary decoration that usually runs for 40g on AH). It was perfect for my map room. Turondil (aka Find) was nice enough to give me 5 Rangers' Journal of Dagorlad Jewellery books for Hatric's Host of the West crafting. The Fall Festival continues. I was surprised to see it raining in the Shire one day. That didn't seem to phase the celebrations at The Party Tree.

Rain or shine the party must go on.

Moria Epic: Books 1 and 2 are nice introductions to Moria, but Book 3 and 4 slogs through every inch of the place. Book 4 then opens up secret passageways between zones and Book 5 introduces three Moria skirmishes. The final one, Book 6, tells a VERY nice story of a group of elves searching for Gandalf. Although I have completed much of Moria, there are still a couple more books I need to do in Lothlórien.



Moria is a dark place. Squint and you might actually see something (right click, open to new tab)

Spreadsheet Friday: Sarnúr. I was ill-prepared to visit Sarnúr. My bow was not Ancient Dwarf-make and could not penetrate through the protection of enemies deep inside the cavern. I never needed a weapon for Hatric. A minstrel's tactical support would strike through without any problem. Upon entering the place, we did recruit a wanderer. I thought I would help him out by sharing one of the quests for gathering parchments. It felt as if I was only causing more problems with the group. I could feel the group's patience waning as he struggled to loot each parchment on the ground. At least I was able to see a portion of Sarnúr I never ventured into. Sadly, Glúmir never did show his face. The 6-hour respawn rate is brutal in that area. It was only when I re-entered the next day with Aemiliana (aka Smelly) I was able to complete the Avenger of Sarnúr deed.

He went out for pizza. I know I would.

Anonymous Sunday: The Water Wheels: Nalâ-dûm, The Mirror-halls of Lumul-nar, Epic Battle: Retaking Pelargir. Skaldornoth (aka Find) helped Bizinga and I run through both of Lothlórien's small fellowship instances. Again, we were a bit confused trying to find all of the plants in the instance. I felt kind of guilty having his Slayer and Skill Deed Boost run dry near the end of the second instance. Hopefully he wasn't too upset. I heard Elaelin overjoyed in finally completing her Mordor quest chain after spending 3 hours trying to complete the bat sequence. She figured out healing through the damage in blue-line was much more effective than dishing out the damage in red-line. Even though Resolina didn't need any more promotion points, I did join in a Retaking Plargir epic battle. Unbelievably we achieved full platinums. I like to think my Oathbreaker's Shame (or ghosties as some like to call them) helped a lot in that.

Opinion: Elaelin has thrown out the idea of spending a weekend doing specific Mordor instances, especially ones that require a group to finish. I would also think it would be a nice idea to spend a day doing all the small fellowship (3-man) instances. These would include the level 65 instances from In Their Absence (Northcotton Farms, Stoneheight) and The Road to Erebor (Iorbar's Peak, Seat of the Great Goblin, Webs of the Scuttledells). A few other options are also available: The Halls of Night • Inn of the Forsaken • Goblin-town Throne Room • The Library at Tham Mírdain • The School at Tham Mírdain. Eventually, Fanrel would also like to enter Isengard's level 75 instance cluster (Fangorn's Edge, Pits of Isengard, Dargnákh Unleashed) and Mirkwood (Sword-Hall, Dungeons of Dol Guldur, Warg-pens).
