Missions: Even now, there are some people who aren't quite familiar with the mission system. In almost every major hub, there is a mission stable that will direct you to some
of these sites. If you are VIP, you can obtain and use the mission
table decoration. There are the 80 initial quick missions introduced
with The War of Three Peaks, the extensive 10 missions from the Wildwood quest pack, 10 repetitive missions in Erebor, 10 story missions of Bilbo Baggins in Rivendell,
and 37 fascinating missions in Gundabad. Although each mission subset
has their own daily/weekly quest tied to them, there are two overall weekly quests called On a Mission
that automatically appear if you complete any one mission from level 20
or above. Not only do you get 500 motes (or 500 ember if you are level
capped), but level appropriate Enhancement Runes. You will get the added
bonus of choosing between three boxes. The Bonus Crafting Materials
rewards you 10,000 guild reputation, a choice of a Shard or Universal
Solvent or Universal Optional Crafting Ingredient, and 10 of any
crafting material you want. The Bonus Legendary Item Boosts give you heritage runes for the Reward Track and a choice of Tracery Reclamation Scroll or Enhancement Runes. The Bonus Character Boosts provide 1,000 Virtue XP, Small Reputation Acceleration Tome, Essence Reclamation Scroll, and Tome of Extraordinary Experience.
Gundabad Missions: For this segment, we will be highlighting the new missions from the Hall of Vernozal for the Zhelruka Allegiance. Unlike the other missions, joining the Allegiance and completing the first chapter is a requirement before starting any mission. There are 37 missions with another 8 story missions you do during the Allegiance chapters. Most of these missions will require 5 - 20 minutes. Now without further ado, let's go over the list below:
Set 1
- Suggested Skip - A Lost Expedition - Gather pickaxes across a huge snowy wasteland
- Normal - King of Claws - Destroy Burrows
- Unique Landscape - The Flood Depths - Swim across and stop water leaks
- Fast Mission - Unwelcome Guests - Destroy Troll Statues
- Gundabad Landscape - Just Beyond Reach - Get Keys from Ice Giants and Loot Treasure
- Long Mission - The High Dig - defeat Dourhands and destroy their stuff in Sundergrot
Set 2
- Normal - Breeders of Beasts - Defeat Angmar and Wargs
- Timed Mission - Cave In! - 10 minutes to diffuse powder kegs and rescue miners
- Long Mission - Ritual of Sacrifice - Destroy Obelisks and Fell Spirits
- Unique Landscape - Buried but Not Forgotten - Sarcophagi and Tomb-Robbers
- Long Mission - Frosty Reception - Tend to injured dwarves, defeat drakes, inspire dwarves
- Gundabad Landscape - Reforge the Future - repair forges and defeat enemies
Set 3
- Normal - Crystal Conundrum - defeat spider nests (enemies despawn)
- Gundabad Landscape - Drive a Wedge - destroy ice pillars and defeat hobgoblins
- Timed Mission - Gold Rush - 8 minutes to pick up treasure
- Normal - Storm Swept - Destroy barrels and defeat snow-beasts
- Normal - The Flow of Water - collect gears and pull levers (can pull through gates)
- Unique Mission - The Sorceress of Tur Agal - Defeat a series of illusions
- Long Mission - Wonder of the Deep - Destroy 12 dwarf-wights while protecting geode
Set 4
- Unique Landscape - Captive Wings - destroy vials, free bats, defeat Angmar
- Long Mission - Lay to Rest - burn bodies and destroy sarcophagi (enemies spawn while attacking)
- Suggested Skip - Raging Frost - bring ice grims to spots and collect ice
- Fast Mission - Servants of Throkhar - destroy shrines and nameless
- Skirmish Mission - Siege of the Rift - Defend Watchtower and wipe all enemies
- Riddle Mission - The Foregone Trap - Solve riddles and pull levers (instructions on the wiki)
Set 5
- Normal - Hall of Ice - destroy ice blockades and defeat drakes
- Long Mission - Stepping into the Drearspire - defeat drakes and pick-up Angmar chests
- Normal - Sting like a Grodbog - Pickup Mucous and Kill Queens
- Fast Mission - Stomping Stug-and-Zar - Kill Troll Boss
- Unique Mission - In the Trenches - clear the Rift of giants and repair barricades
- Puzzle Mission - The Lost Vault - Turn light mirrors until gems appear
Set 6
- Normal - A Large Problem - destroy things and ruin giants' soup
- Skirmish Mission - Assault on Dun Traikh - Capture Flags
- Normal - Clearing a Path - mine ore and destroy rubble piles (structures can bleed)
- Normal - Culling the Rot - destroy crystals and leader of the crystal wargs
- Suggested Skip - Drakes Up Above - Investigate drake tracks and destroy eggs
- Defend Mission - Darkness in the Mist - defeat drakes from three points for 7 minutes