Kinship Party

Information: So it seems every now and then the kinship gets together and does a list of things for a full day. Family members get their young ones into the mix too. We still had loads of fun even if things didn't go exactly as planned. Let's take a look at some of the activities and a few pictures to go along with them. 

2:00PM - 3:00PM Rock-Climbing. Right off the bat we had a surprise posting from Marithil. The famous rock-climber, both in real life and in the game, decided to add a sort of pre-party arrangement an hour beforehand. A few people missed out on this opportunity, Elaelin included. There are areas in the game that connect with each other but separate the zones from a visual point-of-view. Most games have hidden crevices, or unfinished content, that developers and programmers simply leave in the game. They obscure these spots with giant walls, invisible or not. A determined player can get creative and still find ways into or on top of these inhabitable spots. One famous location in World of Warcraft was the Ironforge Airfield. One could see this auto-traveling between two destinations, but it was not accessable without exploitation. Because these locations aren't supposed to be widely-known, I will be highly selective in the screenshots below.

  1. Meetup in Galtrev, Dunland.
  2. Traversing up the mountain
  3. Tâl Methedras
  4. Overview of The Snowman Village at the foot of Methedras.
  5. Swimming Pool
  6. The Last Homely House in Rivendell
  7. Imlad Gelair, Rivendell's Reputation Hidden Valley (fog)
  8. Imlad Gelair, Rivendell's Reputation Hidden Valley (no fog)
  9. Swimming Pool
  10. Fishing in Swimming Pool 
  11. 3 Individual Shots of Nan Curunír


3:00PM - 3:20PM Parade. The kinship gets their members together and stroll through the town of Bree. Nothing too spectacular. A few members got out their kites/pets. 

  • Members (some joined later): Resolina, Pluschbar, Rahshina, Yualiel, Trindal, Ldhunter, Bizinga, Hobgobr, Ilhillen, Hurstor, Inconceivable, Finnok, Marithil, Ozifor, Daize, Erestandir, Smellything.
  • Marithil lead the group with his White Stag. Ozifor mounted on his Fireworks Steed. Daize flew her Mordor kite.


3:20PM - 3:25PM Drunken Fence Walk. Every member had to visit Barliman Butterbur in the Prancing Pony and buy Barliman's Best. You were then obligated to walk the fence just outside the tavern without falling off. If you did, you would have to start over at the beginning. Though not specified as a rule, I decided to have some fun by only trying to walk the fence in first-person perspective. I couldn't do it. Feathel was the first person across.


3:30PM - 4:30PM Scavanger HuntThe rules were rather loose. No looking at the fellowship on the minimap or regular. No using google. Cannot use ports of any kind. Stables (swift travel) are ok. The hints would be given one at a time with a small pause inbetween. The only one I knew for sure was the last one. The others were rough estimates. Highlight the black bars for the answers.

  1. My neighbor Merry met, and Pippin too/But Sam and Frodo managed to eschew.
    Their saviour brought them, through his power to sing/To lady young and ancient as the spring.
    But still long fingers hope to capture fools/Who tarry by the Withywindle’s pools.
    Answer to #1 was Old Man Willow.
  2. The fellowship met challenge here too strong/Cruel mountain joined with Sauron’s arm grown long.
    Beside my perch here, high above the fray/Stand white Celebdil and Fanuidhol grey.
    Caradhras’ snow left travellers no room/And so they took the road
    Answer to #2 was Redhorn Snowfall (Caradhras pass).
  3. Before old Treebeard captured Orthanc’s key/Were here told stories of a walking tree.
    And ere Sam’s duel with Shelob first began/He fought a war of words with Sandyman.
    But fiery Smaug in these parts was not seen/The only Dragon hereabouts is Green!
    Location #3 was the Green Dragon Inn in Bywater.
  4. Come now where gertheryg and trolls abound/And watching stones protect the battleground.
    Before your challenge can proceed apace/You’ll prove your worth by taking Ronkurz’ mace.
    Then come to the arena for a brawl/Where Ushum-ghâsh will Maethad’s master call.
    Location #4 was the Arena of Maethad, in Angmar.
  5. My hosts’ traditions really are unique:/You’re welcomed with a feast that lasts a week!
    I miss the Shire, but I guarantee/My southern cousins’ hospitality.
    But pace yourself, or you may feel remorse:/Poor Bingo Boffin went full course, of course!
    Location #5 was Maur Tulhau, in Enedwaith.
  6. Don’t let the building lead you to assume/For this facade hides but an empty tomb.
    Of its last chamber we once gained control/And took the silithar from Nornagol.
    No ranger will escort you anymore/So search the Way of Kings to find the door.
    Location #6 was Haudh Elendil, in Evendim.
  7. I’m waiting now beside the bloody gloom/While old Aiwendil’s friends survey the room.
    My host is dressed in earthen tones today/Far warmer hues than white or blue or grey.
    You’ll trace a crooked path to bring him cheer/From Rhosgobel to Ost Guruth to here.
    Location #7 was Radagast's tower in Barad Dhorn, in the Lone-Lands.
  8. To wait on this front porch seems apropo/Like Fili and his brother long ago.
    But not before a comfy hobbit hole!/Here one must fear an enemy patrol.
    And if, my lad, you try to hunker down/Your hosts will take you down to Goblin-Town!
    Location #8 was the Black Crack, in the Misty Mountains.
  9. I wait where Frodo Baggins heard his fill/Of Ëarendil and the Silmaril,
    And here beheld a vision from afar/When first he looked on Arwen Evenstar.
    But you may know this hall for its acclaim/From hosting Bilbo’s latest riddle game.
    Location #9 was the Hall of Fire in Rivendell.
  10. Come southward to the home of sharp-of-tooth/Abominations and the Avanc-lûth,
    And try to spot me in this hidden ground/Where two familiar travellers were found
    This vista lies behind a wall of green/Inside the entrance to a Glade Pristine.
    Location #10 was Floid and Dewitt's hiding place in the Dunbog.

4:30PM - 5:30PM Chicken Run. Before the event, every member must have fulfilled the prerequisites to the specific quest to Trollshaws (Rivendell). This requires you to solve the chicken riddle Which Laid First? at Sandson's Farm. To get you acquainted as a chicken, you complete the simple task of The Early Bird. Then you must run through the Shire twice as a chicken: The Sky is Falling and Flying the Coop. There are a slew of other quests to various locations but the kinship decided on doing the longest one (not the collective quest at the end) Flying the Coop -- Trollshaws. One thing to note is that the time of day decides whether the trolls will be wandering near the road or not in the Trollshaws. You also have 2 1/2 hours total to complete the mission. There were a couple times I was nervous I was going to lose the group. Oz's presence helped reassure me I was in good wings... I mean hands. 

  1. Sandson's Farm
  2. Brandywine Bridge
  3. The Cat Lady's House, Bree
  4. Pip Wortley Stable-master at The Foraken Inn, Lone-lands
  5. The Last Bridge, Lone-lands
  6. Roheryn at the Stables in Rivendell


6:00PM - 6:30PM Freeze Tag. I'd like to point out that I never knew there were other things you could do in this area. This area has a few leisure activities. There is a 33% chance that, on any game morning, there will be a pie eating contest at the Festival Grounds in Bree-land. By winning the contest, you can obtain the title Pie-Eating Champion. You can also enter two different areas - one for Tag and the other for Freeze Tag. The rules to these games are listed here on the wiki. They have recently added some trees and brush for an additional challenge.


6:30PM - 6:35PM Snowball Fight. Yule Festival 2017 introduced the Snowball Arena. The right field of the Kinhouse Island had a total of 4 arenas, as well as decorative snowmen and a couple of Snowy Fangorn Huorns. It isn't exactly a game per se. You just gather up snowballs and throw them at each other.


6:35PM - 7:30PM Keg Race. There are multiple kegs in the game. For this game, we used: Moria Keg, Inn League Keg,  Inn League Sinister Keg, and Anniversary Keg. The kinhouse does have a Rohirrim keg, but it does not teleport you when you get drunk. The Gondorian Keg, Defiled Inn League Keg, and Decorative Inn League Keg all do not have any effects. There is a requirement to use the Moria keg (though I'm not sure if it is a level requirement or simply needing the Seeker of Deep Places title). The starting point is using the Treacherous Hole outside. The main challenge is getting back to the island after being teleported. Some suggested using the Bree Tour House approach. However after some experimentation, I found the trip from South Bree to Dol Amroth to the instant stable at the entrance to be the quickest route. If you still aren't familiar with the area, I suggest doing the region's quests (deed for doing all 7). I don't believe there is a level requirement. Even though Oz lost connection 3 times, he managed to be the first to finish. Resolina came in second. I have pity for those who were sent to Forochel. My reward consisted of 4 Sturdy Steel Keys. Sadly, I didn't get any good rewards out of the boxes. My destinations:

  1. Treacherous Hole - Nurath in the Bruinen Gorges which is located in The Trollshaws
  2. Moria Keg - On top of a statue in Nud-melek, Moria
  3. Inn League Keg - In the Basement at the Forsaken Inn
  4. Inn League Sinister Keg - Dead Man's Perch in the Barrow-downs
  5. Anniversary Keg - The Pristine Glade in Dunland


8:00PM - 9:00PM The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu. By this time I was getting tired. I mean, really tired. But the show must go on! This was supposed to be a quick run. It was perhaps one of the craziest runs I've ever been in. Let's count the number of things that went wrong:

  1. Got lost somewhere after defeating Barz. On my way to find Zurm, I rushed up another pathway. I know Bizinga and a few others followed me.
  2. Two people instantly died by running into the fire.
  3. More than half the raid died by Narnûlubat's fire reflection.
  4. Thrâng glitched at the top of the stairs. He never came down.
  5. A few of us, Resolina included, ran into the poison flowing from the sides of the final chamber
  6. Thrâng glitched and wasn't losing any more health after the wheels were turned

Optional: There were a couple of other suggestions for the kinship party. This included giving everyone enough food for the social cooking titles. Another good one that we didn't have enough time for is the race up and down Nar's Peak. Until next time.
