Kinship Party
Information: So it seems every now and then the kinship gets together and does a list of things for a full day. And this day happened to be September 14, 2019. Even though there wasn't much emphasis on prize giveaways to these contests, we still had loads of fun even if things didn't go exactly as planned. Let's take a look at some of the activities and a few pictures to go along with them.
3:00PM - 3:30PM Title and Deed Part 1. One of my suggestions from the last party was to share food with everyone for the deeds. There are technically 6 deeds even though I was only able to pass out food for one deed at a time. The first title "Breakfast Connoisseur" consists of eating 9 of each item - Eggs and Onions, Complete Hobbit Breakfast, Delicious Crispy Bacon, and Hobbiton Omelet. People slowly trickled in for the first ten minutes.
3:30PM - 3:50PM Rider Contest. Birle
hosted the next event. Finnok tried to "up-stage" everyone to the
bigger area up the hill but the Theatre Stage down below seemed to work
just fine. Feega's "Bloom", Resolina's "Fluttershy", Viradriel's
"Fracks", Rennenkampff, and Kandrula's "Eglantine" were all shown.
3:50PM - 4:00PM Parade. The kinship gets their members together and stroll through the town of Bree. Nothing too spectacular. A little one by the name of Formellina pretended to be the leader of our kin for a brief minute. We stumbled across a large crowd attending "The Gallic Frogs Band" by the local jail.
- Members: Elaelin, Findecuthalion, Parnon, Feega, Birle, Trindal, Jolladon, Rennenkampff, Viradriel, Hobgobr, Kandrula, Cartor, Resolina.
4:00PM - 5:00PM Scavanger Hunt. The rules were rather loose. No looking at the fellowship on the minimap or regular. No using google. Cannot use ports of any kind. Stables (swift travel) are ok. The hints would be given one at a time with a small pause inbetween. At least I figured out three of them. The others were rough estimates. Highlight the black bars for the answers.
- An age ago the Eldar took this road/To pass from Hollin to their new abode.
Here shining dwarven lamps once lit the track/Before this realm became a pit of black.
You’ll need your valor here, where Mazog rules/So if your courage fails, then fly, you fools!
The Bridge of Khazad-dum in Moria - Here fires burn to warm against the chill/The hall that Brego built atop this hill.
Upon the threshold once sat tools of wrath/A sword, an axe, a bow, but not a staff.
The riders now have left me all alone/Where Gríma Wormtongue sat beside the throne.
Golden Hall of Meduseld in Edoras - I stand beside a resting Dúnadan/Close by the ancient seat of Cardolan.
But do not sleep beneath this standing stone/Arise, though cold be hand and heart and bone.
Else years from now you’ll lie here sleeping still/’Til wakened by the song of Bombadil.
The Dead Spire in Northern Barrow-downs - I first met Frodo ‘neath the Woodhall’s trees/And sang of starlight on the western seas.
But I remained to battle Angmar’s wrath/Pursuing studies in Lin Giliath.
I act now in a role beyond my ken/An elf allied with northern dwarves and men!
Gildor Inglorion in Lin Giliath of North Downs - We sang out in the secretest of dells/’Gainst counsel stronger still than Morgul spells
We called out next within the balrog’s den/Then vainly, at the foot of Amon Hen.
We last were seen within this vaulted hall/As heralds of our master’s noble fall.
Denethor at the top of Minas Tirith - The comforts of these caverns know few peers/My host has lived here nigh two thousand years.
But dwarven visitors once fared less well/Thirteen were guests, each in a separate cell.
Now find me where, from cellars down below,/A barrel-rider set off long ago.
Felegoth Cellars in Eryn Lasgalen - Ere nine left Rivendell upon their trip/The ring came east with three in fellowship.
It’s hungry work to take the shortcut here/And you’ll forego the Golden Perch’s beer.
Buf if these mushrooms soothe your stomach’s pang/You’re answering to Grip and Wolf and Fang!
Farmer Maggot's Farm in The Shire - This maia waits beyond a hidden way/A servant of his master, Oromë.
He’s challenged you to prove your worth before/And do the bidding of his servants four.
So if you’ve gained approval from them all/Come look for me within the Huntsman’s Hall.
Hall of the Huntsman in Enedwaith - I stand between two rivers, near the spot/Where Ondoher and eastern riders fought.
A ruined fortress lies in sad repose/No longer stopping Calenardhon’s foes.
So seek me now where spirits stand arrayed/On fields where Eorl came to Gondor’s aid.
Parth Celebrant in The Great River - Come join me where I hide from Nazgûl eyes/Not far from where the Ephel Dúath rise.
Elude the wraiths where Ulmo’s hand has hewn/This refuge near the Tower of the Moon.
Then stand to face the sunset ere you rest/And look out through the window on the west.
Henneth Annun in North Ithilien
"I know this one!" - Resolina
5:00 - 5:20 Title and Deed Part 2. Well at least the sun came up. This time Hatric was passing out food for the "Pie Maven" deed. It involves 7 of each pie: Steak & Kidney Pies, Mushroom Pies, Coney Pies, Perfect Pies, and Spiced Apple Pies.
Why is no one eating? Do you have room for pie?
5:20 - 6:00 Floor is Lava. So I actually prefer calling it "Drunken Wizard Magic" but the concept is still the same. For weeks I've tried to control everyone's anticipation of this event. Everen was so excited just going into the entrance that he was like a kid let loose in a toy store. I honestly don't think anything I said mattered at that point. But I guess a ton of people had so much fun that they didn't want the kinhouse reverted back anytime soon.
6:00 - 7:00 Keg Race. There are multiple kegs in the game. For this game, we used: Moria Keg, Inn League Keg, Inn League Sinister Keg, and Anniversary Keg. The kinhouse does have a Rohirrim keg, but it does not teleport you when you get drunk. The Gondorian Keg, Defiled Inn League Keg, and Decorative Inn League Keg all do not have any effects. There is a requirement to use the Moria keg (though I'm not sure if it is a level requirement or simply needing the Seeker of Deep Places title). The starting point is using the Treacherous Hole outside. The main challenge is getting back to the island after being teleported. Some suggested using the Bree Tour House approach (but it might have been considered cheating a little bit). The trip from South Bree to Dol Amroth to the instant stable at the entrance is also a good route. If you still aren't familiar with the area, I suggest doing the region's quests (deed for doing all 7). I don't believe there is a level requirement. Too bad Oz Rainbow lost connection 3 times.
7:00 - 7:30 Title and Deed Part 3. I think at this point everyone was tired. We were down to about 6 people. So Hatric passed 6 of each - Fried Mushrooms, Cooked Carrots, Stuffed Cabbages, Vegetable Medleys, Ultimate Carrot Cakes - for the "Vegetarian" title and 3 of each - Roast Pork, Pork Sausages, Pork Chops, Delicious Crispy Bacons, Coney Stews, Beef Stews, Salted Beef Delights, Roasted Chickens, Delicious Steaks, Stew of Kings - for the "Carnivore" title.
Aftermath: So we didn't get to do the Drunken Fence Walk, the Fishing Contest, Freeze Tag, the Instance Contest, or the House Tour. It didn't matter much to me if we weren't able to do any of the other previous events either: Mountain Climbing, Chicken Run, Snowball Fight, Raid Run. And I didn't even suggest Racing Up Nar's Peak either. For more details on my events, check out my other posts.
Too many legs to count!