Kinhouse Remodel
Highlights: Minas Morgul Decorations added to the Kinhouse & General News
News: For the last couple months, things have been pretty hectic. A few PvMP battles here. A few instance runs there. September 16th we had Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariner for Pirate's Day, September 20th Bilbo's Birthday, September 26th Summer Festival Encore, October 15th Harvestmath Festival, and October 18th Durin's Day. Then we had the Minas Morgul expansion October 29th. Some people have already hit level 130 and completed the expansion within the month of its release. While others, me included, are waiting for the expansion to be released for lotro points in March 2020. Black Friday sales brought the Curator for a brief time with its new Training Dummy. Yule Festival is just around the corner, December 12th.
Kinhouse: However there was still something that had to be attended to at the kinhouse. After the lava party, items were still setup pretty crazy. That was way back September 15th. It was time to add a few things gathered from the festivals and the expansion. I'm still not quite "satisfied" with some of the changes I made since I can see them arranged in any number of different spots. But for the time being I will say that it looks drastically better than before.
Outside: Ingredient crates moved to the immediate right of the entrance to allow easier access for newcomers or those visiting the island. Removed both of the huge statues and replaced them with the fishable pond and a wheat field that compliments the Sauron Statue. The workstations were tweaked a little bit with a new Cyprus Tree over the forge. Cow Pen and Training dummy by the water fountain.
Entrance: Added the two Mordor Watcher statues and replaced the shields with the new weapons from Minas Morgul. They have gradually included weapon decorations for awhile now. Replica of Dunachar drops from Throne of the Dread and 6 weapons drop from Anvil of the Winterstitch. Vales of Anduin had 4 class-type shields and 10 weapons - Hammer, Knife, & Axe and Warden shield can be seen in the house. Minas Morgul followed the same suit with 3 armor-type shields and 8 weapons. The hat rack from Bingo's Adventures was a nice addition by the chest and Saruman's Orrery is much better displayed over the kin-chest and Mysterious Scroll. There are now 3 different ports: Mysterious Door for Mordor, Empty Apple Barrel for Felegoth River, and the banner for Minas Morgul (which requires you to finish chapter 11.2 in the Black Book of Mordor quests). The Mordor wallpaper and floor really makes the room pop with the gold carpet. Though I am interested in how the new Memory wallpaper will look. The other rooms still have the kegs that transport you to random areas. There is one minor change in the "Rohan" area. There are two flower barrels alongside the Candaith statue.
Courtyard: The extra slot by the Standing Stone Statue has been rotated out quite a few times in the past. I think I had a bush in there at one time. Since the Badger House is outside, I figured I would include a Lorien Bench to compliment the flower pots. It is hard to find something that fits well there since moving them seems to make them "disappear" for some odd reason. On the other wing, I removed the Moria Geode and flowers with Little Old Man Willow, Decorative Oven, Dwarf in a Barrel, and Picnic Table.
Study Room: I've removed the shelves and models in this room. In their place I've included all 3 map tables and a Large Gondorian Table with all the Minas Morgul accessory decorations. The Minas Morgul Long Table was of no help to me since it actually requires a special furniture slot and is about 1/3 the size of any ordinary long table. Here you can see the Minas Morgul Painting and the Pesky Dormouse. There were also some recent additions people have not noticed already there from a couple months ago on the opposing side. Plenty of additions from the Harvest Festival - Ceiling Spider, Ceiling Bat, Cauldron, Potions Table. Unfortunately the Wicked Cage was a little too gruesome to be placed in the room.
2nd Floor: To make room for the Minas Morgul accessories, the treasure chests and small furniture slots by the stairs had to be changed. Instead, I placed the bookcases and Gondorian Brazier to give the area some symmetry. That continues upward with the new "Dwarf" decorations - Secret Keyhole, Dwarf Thrones, Golden Egg, Beer Trophy, Gold Coins. The Corked Bottle is a placeholder until the Black Book of Mordor and Morgul Vale Lost Bookcase comes in. To make room for those, the scholar tables and elven screens had to be removed.