Here Lies the Really Dead

 Highlights: Resolina taunts Sauron

December 27th - January 1st

 The Wastes: Sorry, no group activity with so many on vacation. Though, I did manage to have a 3-day weekend. The odd thing about this quest pack is that they decided to link it heavily with March of the King. This isn't a bad thing per se. A lot weighs heavy with what Aragorn decides in these final moments with Sauron. But did they have to make you pick more flowers? At least these somewhat dead flowers match the whole theme of the zone. Things get a little confusing when you discover the leftover carcasses of ones long gone and the grudges of those oath-breakers that can't seem to tell time. Then you have those faint at heart given a second chance to finally taking down the guys in Cair Andros. At least the epic story vastly improves. Check out what happens (screenshots get a little dark):


Aragorn's Camp Site say hello to Mordor's Camp Site



He is just like the guy who talks to whales. Just nod your head and believe everything he says is true.



Adventurous Herb Lady meet Lord Who Lost Two Sons. Now let us all storm the castle.



10,000 Men and I'm given a dog. Best day ever!



Remember the guys back in Dagorlad S.A. 3434? Do what they did. We will be fine.



Please tell the story. Please tell the story. Please tell the story. Woho!


Memories: I don't know if you noticed but there is a brief moment where you go around the camp talking to various Host of the West members. Without getting too close, you can actually see an image of what they are thinking about. I didn't notice it at first but I had to get screenshots at the very moment before they disappear. You've got Lothrandir thinking of Sûri-kylä in Forochel, Radanir thinking of Elweleth (the elf he was fond of in Rivendell), Corunir thinking of Golodir and Gothmog (or Mordirith from Angmar), Calenglad thinking of Gwindeth from Lake Nenuial (or Lake Evendim), and Aragorn thinking of Arwen.


 Bonus: Riders of Rohan faction requires a lot of barter tokens for their goods. I managed in completing my last day in that forest. Good thing too. I think that ghost deer was going to make its move.

