Here Lie Flowers

Highlights: The search for cosmetics continues as Resolina seeks out horses, emotes, pets, and housing decorations.

December 23rd - 26th

Dailies: If I could find a proper Quantum Leap video, I would be putting it right here. Oh, boy. With a full 4-day weekend off work, I managed to get a lot done. Here goes:

  • So I discovered that I was missing a few emotes in Enedwaith and had to climb up the mountain to get the quests for more Golden Token of the Wilds. A quick run around the giant's block and I bought Drunk, Man Dance, Tickle, and Sneeze. I think I skipped those before because I wanted to spend all my 40 tokens on that horse and return skill. If somehow you forgot like I did, you will obtain the Thoughtful Friend title for going back to good o' Zudrugund.
  • Then there was the run-down with Stangard's Golden Token of the Anduin. You get 26 of those through the quests and you need 60 for just the three horses. Honestly. There are 4 dailies close to Brown-Lands and 2 in Limlight Gorge. You won't see me going through those again for any more decorations, even though the Horse & Rider, Saw-blade, and Rohirrim Map Table are all excellent decorations to get. Don't forget about the envelope made out of bacon - Bacon-wrapped Flapjacks.
  • In preparation of the kinhouse remodel, I went back to Hytbold to gather up a few more tokens. I don't know what it was like in the early days but getting 50 tokens in the 5 quest daily was almost enough to buy everything I needed in one day. So it wasn't excruciating difficult to do.
  • The festival still rages on and so are my daily tasks. I'm finally reaching the tipping point of getting all the decorations I need. I think all I need now are a few more crystals for my legendary weapons. 
  • Cheering at the festival allowed me to finally achieve that firebreath animation. That made me thinking about the 100 emote hidden deeds I never bothered in getting. My problem is I'm not very sure if animating to random npcs works. Then there is the issue with only getting 5 of them a day. I hate to say this, but if you happen to come across me one day... kiss or bow or thank (or any of the other 20) and maybe I'll finally get those titles on Resolina.
  • Can't forget about Dol Amroth dailies! Where there are Rohirrim decorations, there are Gondorian decorations. A few days here and there for what I need. Oz helped send a few spare tokens my way to shave off a few days.
  • I can't believe they made Court of Seregost the place to get everything in Mordor. I think I'm up to 1,700 ash from just doing about 20 minutes of T1 & T2 everday for a couple of weeks. Then you get about 1 to 6 scrolls. I don't know. The rewards of that place is all over the place and it definitely helps with gathering equipment for your legendary weapons. There really isn't a point in doing the Featured Instance anymore.
  • Of course, getting hundreds of scrolls to level up your legacies is a long, drawn-out process that still requires you to pay out 10-20g per scroll on the AH or do around 40 minutes of Minas Tirith dailies for around 6 scrolls.
  • One thing I did forget to get is the second horse from Helm's Deep. I thought for sure I had lots of Westement Iron Coins leftover from my early days but I might have spent them all on Eorlingas Scroll of Empowerment. Those scrolls are still roughly 250 tokens (worthless now) when the horse requires 300. The good news? The tasks now give out 5 tokens each and the warbands give 10. Good thing there are 20 warbands in West Rohan to select from. I think there were 4 warbands there I couldn't handle myself. That's how I was able to get the Riders of Rohan title (for getting both horses). 


North Ithilien: After a hard day's work, it was nice going through the field and pick some flowers. What? No one likes picking flowers? I don't know what it was like when March of the King was released in October 18, 2016 or when Battle of the Black Gate came out in March 21, 2017 but without the need of bartering for equipment, picking flowers is kind of neat. I am amazed there aren't any daily quests that require you to collect 5 of each flower but I am glad to see such a variety of herbalist dailies to choose from. I believe there are 7 quests from Henneth Annûn and 3 from Camp of the Host. Then if you are really crazy bored determined, you could do those quests 250 times for the steed. But that isn't what stood out to me. Check it out. You get to...

  • Repair the statue. Personally, I like what the orcs did to the statue. I just don't think the king was that handsome.
  • Destroy the bridge to Morgul Vale. Actually, you just sort of watch Mithrindir do it but I held my hands out and pretended it was really me destroying the bridge.
  • Scare some people. Trust me. They scare really easy and you will be doing a lot of it.
  • Hear Gimli whisper out his battle cry. It is the cutest thing I've ever heard.
  • Listen to the story of how Faramir and his men met Frodo and company.
  • Destroy trebuchets. No Flimsy Fanrel Fire this time. I tell people that I simply pulled out one screw and it fell apart, but really the thing took a few hard wacks from a sword to collapse.
  • Lead a Mûmak home.
  • Find treasure, the Jarl way.

