
A Good Plan: Down by Maergrind, Trausti is currently watching over an unusual captive. To your surprise, it is the same goblin that kept Eskil Bloodthumb alive in Deepscrave when Stali the Hewer sent him in to search for the Zabad'ibin. Glúrkub knows much and decides to help the dwarves in exchange for free passage out of Gundabad. First, he tells us where Trausti's favorite axe is in Shakhajat. It was taken by a very mean and nasty hobgoblin by the name of Shoshraf. Afterwards, he spins a wily tale (with some great music) while trying to escape the mess that formed inside the mountain. He hated how the hobgoblins were pushing around the orcs and goblins way before the dragon broke free out of the The Anvil of Winterstith. He had planned to join a raiding party and slip into the mountains. He mentions three of the ones you helped save from their cages in Deepscrave and later found in the Hideaway - Shulgolb, Lumbag, and Zogmauk from Durshulot. However, Gorgar the Generous merely wants the smallest goblin to crawl through a hole and grab the mithril hammer from the Chamber of Zul-mazal. He is then chosen to recruit Ránulur, Chieftain of Wargs... the one you defeated in Bloody Threshold. While hearing about the fighting in The War of Three Peaks, Muzmak slips out "poxes and maggots" which is something similar to what Kurizg stated in the Litany of Complaints where he wishes "nine poxes upon them, and a tenth should the first batch go unnoticed!" They do manage to flee eastward to a "distant snowfield" (which is the same field seen during the "A Lost Expedition" mission) right when Hrímil Frost-heart breaks free and commands them to return.

"It feels good to have my axe back in hand, Resolina, for once again I feel that Lofrik is with me, though he died outside Moria." - Trausti

History of the Hammer: Glúrkub then tells Durin of something he did not expect to hear. Hrímil summons Gorgar to a place called Lugroz by the Orcs and makes him leave the "fancy hammer" behind on a weapon-rack near the path to the summit. Although you question about the goblin's plan while he is catching flies in front of your eyes, you decide to enact a password to steal the weapon back and find out why the dragon is so scared of it. After a bit of ingenuity from your friends inside the Chamber of Zul-mazal, you find some secret stairs leading down into the bowels of Gundabad. That is when you meet with Mótsog and learn the truth behind the history of the dwarves. The Durin bloodline is actually the same dwarf reincarnated several times over. The feud between the both of them goes back years to when mithril was taken from the elves and moulded into hammers.

"Funny, Glurkub must steal to earn his freedom."


Sunder-Battle: Even the betrayal of Sauron's force in The Greymaul Rebellion at the battle of Sundergrot was revealed to Durin in its full glory. There, Ragna the Fierce (with her mighty daggers keeping her hair neatly tied up on the back of her head and the bottom of her beard) fights through the blood-drenched city of Biriz-zahar. Nine great dragons rained down fire that day. Among them were Thorog and Ettenfang. A Balrog called Askâdurs was also called to the city by Sauron. It is in this instance where you can take the opportunity to explore the city fully outside the bounds of the objectives before it was ruined. However, the combined strength of the dwarves brought down such fury to their blows "that a great storm arose, and the mountain itself was sundered." Five dragons were slain that day and more than just the city was left in ruin. In the end, it was Durin (with the mighty crown you can obtain close to cosmetically from the Askâd-mazal instance) who showed Mótsog mercy by sparing his life with the small penance, in respect of his wife's wishes, that no child of a Greymaul was permitted to wear his or her beard longer than a hand's breath.

"I spare him not for his treason. I spare him for setting it aside." - Durin I


Dwarrowmoot: If you did the quest The Great Moots of the Thing-fold, then you would know how important it is when Prince Durin calls forth his army at Ibdêkh-buzru. He calls you to "climb the secret stair back to Zul-mazal and seek out the leader of the Iron Garrison such as Bósi or his kin, Glóin of the Longbeards, Prince Ingór of the Zhélruka, and Imák of the Stout-axes, and tell them to bring their companies of dwarves to the Thing-fold for Dwarrowmoot." Durin speaks out about their threats at Gundabad. However, their discussion was interrupted by a rushing wind. Hrímil Frost-heart spoke out to emit fear in the hearts of the dwarves, but her own voice was cast aside when the beauty of Akrarkir flashed forth from a newcomer in the crowd. The dwarves chased her high into the peak of the mountain and there, Motsog brought it down on top of her. This blow did not kill her, but wounded her pride and leadership among the hobgoblins as she retreated back to her lair. Upon completion of the Epic, you will receive a heartfelt letter and a mosaic from Durin regarding his feelings toward the comfort his old friend gave him right before his passing.

"When we set out for the Wells of Langflood from Skarháld, did you think this is where our journey would lead? I tell you now that I did, for the Zhélruka are noted optimists!" - Venko

Dragons, Dwarves and Dry Ice: Durin tells you about a hidden treasury buried within the depths of Mount Gundabad. Named Abnankâra, the Hiddenhoard, it would have been where the Greymauls would have stored their spoils from plundering Khazad-dûm. You are to meet Durin's uncle, Náin the Slakeless (still respected despite the loss of his beard in Assault on Dhúrstrok) at Amgaruslun in the northwestern reaches of the Clovengap. Once inside, you will be faced with heavy opposition. Armód, Threkvegg and Kvethár are three fierce ice giants that guard the first gate. They are eager to punt you over the broken bridges. Thrall-lord Dushtalbúk is still hanging around the central hallway and will send out his goons when overwhelmed. Watch out for those spikes! Finally, you will have to battle with not only Hrímil, Frost-heart but her mind as well. This is where Away Shall Fade's EDI Raiding (Every Direction Involved) comes into play in order to defeat her once and for all.

"Wee! You go flying!" - Lynxor

House of Rest: There goes without mention another threat still out there that needs to be taken care of. The female hobgoblin Loknashra hides in wait for your arrival at Adkhat-zahhar. It is up to poor Kyrstig to assist you through the scary catacombs of the dwarves. Your first battle will be up against four menacing dwarf-wights. Each dwarf is uniquely designed with their own color coordination, inscribed runes on their weapons and shield, appropriate abilities, and dialogue. These runes transcribe as "amrâd" (death), "abgâl" (decay), "abrâsh" (pain), and "agrud" (fear). Once you venture through the burrows, you will have a fight with Loknashra's darkness. After you cripple her morale, she will retreat in order to complete one final gift for you and your friend. Of course, the present so happens to be the resurrection of Vethug Wintermind as a wight. Stand your ground and then send in your final report to Ausma.

"Uh oh!" - Kyrstig
