Fanrel's Erebor House
Theme: Where all things dwarves hide away.
Structures: Crystals, treasures, hidden secrets, and extremely large items.
Ambience: Ered Luin - Thorin's Halls Homesteads; Ered Mithrin Theme
Main Hall: Pine Green Wall Paint; Dwarf-Stylized Stone Floor (Ered Mithrin)/Dark Green Floor Paint
Theme: Treasure Room with Vault Access and Smaug Kite
Room #1: Dwarf-Styled Stone Floor (Ered Mithrin)/Sienna Wall Paint; Coin Floor
Theme: Room spilt with large wall to keep living quarters separate from keg room
Room #2: Pristine Dwarf-Styled Stone Wall (Mazarbul); Pristine Dwarf-Styled Stone Floor (Mazarbul)
Theme: Where the broken air-conditioning unit freezes everything
Room #3:
Frosted Dwarf-Styled Stone Wall (Ered Mithrin)/Indigo Wall Paint;
Frosted Dwarf-Styled Stone Floor (Ered Mithrin)/Indigo Floor Paint.
Theme: Study Room
Room #4: Dwarf-Styled Stone Wall (Thorin's Hall)/Umber Wall Paint; Dwarf-Styled Stone Floor (Thorin's Hall)/Umber Floor Paint.
Stairs: Walls of Memory, First Style; Halls of Memory, Underfoot.
Theme: Where the Stone Beholder lives
Attic: Ancestral Bonds Theme; Dwarf-Styled Stone Wall (Gundabad)/Black Wall Paint; Angmarim Cobblestone Floor/Black Floor Paint.