Non-Level Cap Dailies
Missions: Missions from expansions - War of Three Peaks or Gundabad - offer 5 Motes of Enchantment upon completion. Missions from Gundabad have an additional chance of providing a Relic of Gundabad (500 rep) upon looting the chest at the end. All missions provide their appropriate barter tokens.
- March on Gundabad - Missions for the Cause - This is given on a daily basis to complete any 3 missions from The War of Three Peaks war room inside Annak-khurfu from Elof. It rewards 42 Motes of Enchantment.
- March on Gundabad - Missions for the Cause (Weekly) - This is given on a weekly basis to complete the quest listed above 4 times. It too can be obtained from Elof. It rewards 400 Motes of Enchantment.
- Missions of Gundabad (Daily) - This can be obtained from Zova daily and requires you to complete any 5 missions from Gundabad inside the Halls of Vernozal. It rewards one Preserved Relic of Gundabad (1000 rep).
- Missions of Gundabad (Weekly) - This is given on a weekly basis from Zova to complete any 20 missions from Gundabad inside the Halls of Vernozal. It rewards one Pristine Relic of Gundabad (5000 rep).
- On a Mission (Weekly) - This is given automatically whenever you complete any mission. Your task is to complete any 15 missions. Your reward will be 1000 Virtue Experience, 1 Teal Enhancement Rune, and a Special Mission Box (Crafting, Legendary, or Character). Those who are level 140 will receive 500 Embers of Enchantment while those not level 140 will receive 500 Motes of Enchantment. This resets every Thursday.
- On A Continuing Mission (Weekly) - The quest functions identical to the one above except that requires you to complete 45 missions instead of 15. Rewards are the same.
War of Three Peaks Dailies: These are only offered upon completion of the content within the expansion.
- March on Gundabad: Assisting the War Effort - There is a quest available from Hlothi on the right side of the war room in Annak-khurfu that requires you to complete 3 missions. It rewards you purple Enhancement Runes.
- Pushing Forward the War Effort (Weekly) - Quest offered from Stálskeg Ironbeard that simply requires you to complete the quest above 4 times for two purple Enhancement Rune boxes and 30 Copper Coins of Gundabad.
- March on Gundabad: Additional Steps - Another quest is offered that requires you to complete 4 out of 7 daily quests from Hlothi in the War of Three Peaks war room. It rewards you a level 131 rare tracery.
- The War Effort: A Great Leap (Weekly) - Quest offered from Stálskeg Ironbeard that simply requires you to complete the quest above 4 times for two purple Enhancement Rune boxes and 30 Copper Coins of Gundabad.
- March on Gundabad: Shakulush, The Stair Battle - Quest from Hlothi that requires completion of the 6-man instance levels 130 to 140. It rewards you purple Enhancement Runes.
Other: There are a few interesting weeklies that might interest some players.
- The Tasks at Hand Weekly - This automatically begins when you turn in any task on each character. Simply turn in 10 tasks for a Universal Optional Crafting Ingredient.
This can be used as a 100% critical chance on crafted items, including
the crafting bundles you can barter for from the skirmish camp. Resets
every Thursday.
- Silver Coins of Gundabad for Embers - Exchange 100 Silver Coins of Gundabad for 500 Embers of Enchantment. This quest only becomes availble after completing the quest meta deed.
Only use this as a last resort if you have collected all recipes,
decorations, cosmetics, and gear you want from the barterers. This
resets every Sunday.
- Craft for Embers: Exchange 7 Ember-worthy crafts for 1,000 Embers of Enchantment. This quest is offered from Mozhek in Skarhald, Ered Mithrin. You are able to craft these items using one Dwarrowgleam Shard or Ithilharn Shard each from any craft.
- Craft for Motes: Exchange 7 Mote-worthy crafts for 250 Motes of Enchantment. Offered by the same person listed above. Within your crafting guild is an option to craft one of these using three Black Adamant Shards. These are obtainable in Mordor.
Gundabad Dailies
Information: If you own Gundabad and you reach level 140, you will be auto-bestowed a quest called Conquering the Three Peaks.
It is very important that you accept this quest and turn it in so the
rest of these quests can activate. You will be tasked to talk to 4
individuals: Zova, Agatur the Boastful, Brathi, and Zadokh Flint-eye. It would be wise to pay attention to where these dwarves are for accepting the quests listed below. These quests have no other requirement. All dailies give out the same rewards: 300 Reputation, 1 Silver Coin of Gundabad, 1 Purple Enhancement Rune, 1 Yellow Enhancement Rune.
Zova - Offers Weeklies
- Challenges of Gundabad (Weekly) - You are required to complete 6 Gundabad Instances. There are no tier, group, or level requirement. Level 131 solo is acceptable for Assault on Dhurstrok and Den of Pughlak. Make sure you complete the objective by conversing with your companion at the end when necessary. Your rewards include: two Preserved Relics of Gundabad (2000 rep), 500 Embers of Enchantment, 5 individual Purple Enhancement Runes, 1 Teal Enhancement Rune, 2,000 Virtue Experience.
- Reclaiming the Mountain-Hold (Weekly) - Complete 20 Gundabad daily quests - any of the ones listed below. The rewards are the same from above: two Preserved Relics of Gundabad (2000 rep), 500 Embers of Enchantment, 5 individual Purple Enhancement Runes, 1 Teal Enhancement Rune, 2,000 Virtue Experience.
Brathi - Offers Daily Activities
Notation: The following three activies can be completed anywhere inside Gundabad content. You can fulfill these quests by defeating enemies in landscape, private instances, replayed instances from the Reflecting Pool, public instances, resource instances, dungeons chosen from the instance finder, or missions. The drop-rate is incredibly leniant where it is almost guaranteed you will get one for every member you defeat.
- Searching for Diamonds - Find 12 Diamonds from Orcs.
- Searching for Gold - Find 12 Gold from Beasts.
- Searching for Sapphires - Find 12 Sapphires from Men.
Notation: The following activites can be found in various areas inside Gundabad landscape. Their locations and preferences are listed for your convenience.
- Mining for Crystals: Mine 12 Crystals. There are four zones that have crystals: Deepscrave, Gloomingtarn, Clovengap, and Stonejaws. The two recommended areas that both have a total of 12 crystals in a tight location are: central Gloomingtarn and eastern Stonejaws.
- Searching for Treasure: Collect 10 Dwarf-Made Treasures - These items can be collected from lootable objects like corpses or chests. It is possible to loot up to two Treasure Chests at a time. These are bound to character!
- The Stone Smashers: Defeat 8 Stone-smashers in Gundabad - There are various locations where you need to find four clickable piles of rubble that spawn two trolls at a time in Mattugard, Deepscrave, Gloomingtarn, Car Bronach, and Stonejaws. I suggest using that Return To Leitstath skill from the Quartermaster and grab one directly north of the camp. From there (or from Steepset), you can use the stable-master to travel to Bargstad (Pit of Stonejaws) and grab three more up the northwestern path (without visiting any of the tombs).
Zadokh Flint-eye - Offers Resource Instances
Notation: There are three different instances - Clovengap, Gloomingtarn, and Stonejaws. Upon accepting the primary task, you will be offered a way to teleport inside the instance. This initial quest gives you one hour to defeat the final boss. Canceling the quest will not kick you out of the instance and will still allow you to complete any optional quests you accepted inside, but you will not be able to collect the quest again that day or any other quests inside. You are able to leave and re-enter the instance as long as the initial quest is active. There will also be a general Collect 12 Gems quest that can be completed over all three instances. Considering the amount of effort that is involved and the puny rewards of a single Relic of Gundabad (500 rep), I do not recommend doing any of these quests unless you are dedicated to completing the Resource Foe Deed and Meta Deed.
- Clovengap: Terror in the Trees - Defeat Ilvind or Defeat Muzhudh (1-hour timer).
- Clovengap: Valuable Resource - Collect 10 Logs
- Clovengap: Vicious Claws - Defeat 15 Wargs or 15 Drakes
- Gloomingtarn: Drok-And-Kharb - Defeat Drok-and-Kharb (1-hour timer)
- Gloomingtarn: Fire-starter - Collect 10 Flint
- Gloomingtarn: Shaking Caverns - Defeat 15 Trolls
- Stonejaws: Leader of the Frost - Defeat Calaminag or Krigash (1-hour timer)
- Stonejaws: The Frost-Horde - Defeat 15 Angmarim or Hobgoblins
- Stonejaws: The Moon-letters - Collect 10 Moon-letters
Agatur the Boastful - Offers Public Instances
Notation: The primary quest offered by Agatur the Boastful is a daily quest that has no timed limitation. Warnings on when reinforcements or bosses enter the fray will display inside or outside the instance. This is a good way to gauge how much activity there is inside the instance while doing any activity. Please be aware that entering inside the instance is only available while the quest remains incomplete. Finish any 3 of the 5 quests listed (it does not matter if they are the boss quests or not) and you will not be able to re-enter the instance. Enemies must either be personally tagged or tagged by someone in your fellowship while you are inside the instance. Bosses will only appear when certain enemies are defeated. Velzajar, the giant fire grim, will not appear until a certain number of fire grims are defeated. Any player with the quest can enter this zone. The meta quest rewards 300 Reputation, Steed Experience, 1 Silver Coin of Gundabad, 1 Gundabad Athelas Essence, and 320,000 legendary experience. The primary quest can be canceled and re-obtained after 5 minutes.
Battle at the Forge: Orc Defiliers will drop un-interruptable totems that will immediately drain all power from all players. Orc Beserkers will sometimes use a skill to absorb all damage. I recommend avoiding the orcs altogether. Bosses spawn in the middle of the lava pit.
- Battle at the Forge: Orcs and Grims
- Battle at the Forge: Fire-drakes
- Battle at the Forge: Fire-trolls
- Battle at the Forge: Velzajar
- Battle at the Forge: Shakalog
Battle at the Lofts: You are able to mount inside this instance. Drakes and Elephants appear with other enemies but can be pulled individually if one so chooses. The bosses will appear on the northern stairs. Because of the length it takes for bosses to appear, one might decide on leaving once completing the three core quests.
- Battle at the Lofts: Hobgoblins and Angmarim
- Battle at the Lofts: Cold-drakes
- Battle at the Lofts: Frost-tusks
- Battle at the Lofts: Ulshatarg
- Battle at the Lofts: Grazmauk
Reflections on Gundabad (Daily): Replay any private instance offered at the Reflecting Pool. The mobs will retain their original level. Because of this, the instances offered in Mattugard might prove to be shorter and easier than the others. Though, replaying all of them might prove to be entertaining when you realize the possibility in making other choices, like in "A Theft of Freedom," or revisiting areas outside the bounds of the quest, like that in "The Sunder-Battle." Whether or not mobs inside the instance count for any slayer deeds depends on each individual instance. Only those you have previously completed are available. Upon completing an instance, your character will now be located wherever it was when it finished. If you can't decide on an instance, "High Seat of the Dwarves" or "Eskil's Escape" are rather quick ones I recommend.