Car Bronach
Introduction: After your little adventure with the scout-master in Shakhajat, you'll be handed a notice from Durin ordering you to assist Prince Ingor of the Zhelruka in Car Bronach to combat the Angmarim and eliminate any threat they may pose. Unfortunately, the dwarf you are supposed to meet, Garjan at the WitchGate, has "a lengthy gash in the armour covering his thigh" and informs you that he had lost his squad in an attack. Hopefully, you don't have to meet with him through the glitched snow flooring like I did. After you rescue Muta encaged by the Dourhands, you'll head down the hill where Metzo the Mistaken has established a camp over Angmarim's dead bodies, set up a bounty board, and put Skalo in charge of an interrogation. Although you don't find Karsa or Uzvat from Muta's squad right away, you do come into contact with Imak and Venko investigating the Drearspire. This area was mysteriously lacking Angmarims upon release, but now is populated after a recent patch. Even after adding them, the Angmarim warriors were still somehow much taller than your average person.
I am swiftly learning, the Iron Crown seem fond of bestowing fanciful
titles upon themselves and their followers. For instance, they call this
would-be jailor a 'key-warden'. If one needs for so many keys, I wager
they do not trust their locks." - Muta
Quests: This zone is the smallest of them with a deed requiring only 15 quests to be completed. However, much of the content that was originally meant to be for a new 6-man instance has now been converted into an additional 20 quests, leading into the mighty Drearspire. There are 4 bounty quests - 3 of which can be repeated 3 times. The fourth singular quest is quite an amusing one that reads: "After slaying no fewer than three - nay four - Zhelruka in the course of attempts to break him, I desire the horns of Crotharc as weregild for my fallen brethren." After you complete the quest, Radek comes out with the truth that it was all an exaggeration because he was too ashamed being bested after attempting to saddle a simple ram. These bounties will run congruent to the tasks Rethvard the Dourhand provides you. One will be "within the cavern of Toll Oivas, the sorcerer Iarcagar has devised a means of binding fell spirits to the remain of bats" which explains why you encounter bats with glowing white eyes. He also foreshadows later events in Welkin-lofts by stating "Lord Brathar told us all about you - how you and the Longbeards slew Skorgrim at Gabilazan... That thing was not Skorgrim!" You can also find Karsa hiding behind a rock watching the Hill-men camp at Tag Fogarrach on the western crossroads.
warriors desire trophies to commemorate the success of Prince Ingór's
expedition in Câr Bronach and the reclamation of the Mountain-home. A
fine bounty shall be offered for every twelve amulets collected. Glory
to the Zhélruka!" - Lisek, at the Bounty Board
Sites: Much of the region connects to other areas. You can take the route to the southwest through the gateway to Fellgat in Welkin-Lofts. The northwest route takes you to Balach Iaran, the Iron Pass which leads through a passage just south of the Rift in Angmar (there is a portal there similar to the one in Gladdenmere). To the very northern point flies a bunch of crows over a treasure cache at Clavanail. Leading to Rathad Caul, The Narrow Way in Elderslade on the southeastern border is Leitstath (you can get a Return to Skill from the Quartermaster at Steepset). Make sure to say hello to Skerla the rare spawn that appears at either [48.5N, 68.7W] or [50.4N, 61.6W] while wandering around.
"This is not the way." - Resolina
Secrets: There is also a ton of information that gets leaked from the quests. When assisting Muta at the WitchGate, you'll learn that the people there are sworn to the Iron Crown: Brathar Crack-helm. The Iron Crown, as well as their Dourhand and Hill-men allies, now serve one named High Priestess Asachal inside their fortress called Drearspire. On top of that, we have the escaped prisoner from the Zhelruka Clan. From there, different names are dropped about this precious artifact they brought with them from Angmar - Crun Nasgadh, Maltagar, Fell Graver. Much more is revealed while eavesdropping between Covaire and Mornair: "There are some warding runes preventing passage to a sacred lake of the dwarves. He plans to break them with the Maltagar." Not much is known about the device other than the ability to see those lost that were dear to you. Covaire saw Govard. Venko saw his eldest brother, Lekhun. The interesting part is when you get to Chapter 7.8, the person you see depends on your race. As a human, you will behold "a Ranger named Amdir, who suffered a grievous, corrupting injury from a Nazgul's blade when you adventured in Bree-land." As an elf, you behold "Talagan Silvertongue, Lord of Edhelion, who sacrificed himself to defeat Skorgrim Dourhand more than six hundred years ago." The biggest mystery is why some of those dwarves aren't wearing any clothes when it is snowing outside (I would upload the two screenshots I have of them, but for some reason the site won't let me).
here, Ailgar. I care not for your well-being or for Ruvaran's, but
Covaire is dear to me and I would not have her hurt. Remember what
happened to Govard? We should not have brought this artifact from Barad
Gularan, no matter the importance of Ruvaran's purpose." - Lograth,
Crumpled Parchment in Chapter 7.6.
Factions: Since Standing Stone Games lost one of their raid developers, the content that was originally slated for a 6-man instance have now been converted into a quest chain. Similar to the hobgoblin's fortress Shakhajat in the heart of Stonejaws, the additional quests will lead you into finding out what is happening between the warring factions. Starting from Mezto at Grumachath (the town in the middle), you'll be tasked to hunt down a couple of dwarf parties sent to the farthest reaches of the zone. Kuzun and Orug are weary about a bunch of giants led by Grimklettar at Hlidborg blockading the passageway to Car Bronach. Upon investigating the site, you'll find tribute left behind from the dourhands. To discover why the giants hesitate in taking any action, you'll have to appease Skalgrund the Exile hanging around his rams over a frozen lake in Cragan Bris. In the far northwestern corner of the region, your missing dwarf friend Uzvat has been tasked in seeking an alliance with some Hillmen inside the Eirichav cave. It is there where you will find your Elderslade companion Aighrig with her friendly bat Lukhag in need of some assistance. Among the members will also be another old face you might recall being exiled from his tribe in Angmar - Soltakh. However, your meeting will be interrupted by Rethvard delvering a somewhat impelling message from Brathar Crack-Helm.
"I can only trust these goats. If the goats trust you, then maybe I will answer a question for you." - Skalgrund
Inside this mighty tower is a maze of activity. For a normal player, it
can be daunting trying to navigate. (1) First thing you need to do is cut off their supply by venturing deeper into the basement
where they intend to package and ship the ill effects of their poison.
(2) Head back towards the entrance and venture through a portal in one
of the side-doors. (3) Destroy the vile plants, defeat Curcúan on the first floor, and stop Lasairë on the second floor.
Be careful not to take the stairs all the way up where the sweaty
dwarves are until you complete these tasks. (4) Fight through the
dourhand while rescuing the captives. Summon and defeat Warlord Claghórd. (5) Reach the library and burn the vile tomes. Defeat High Priestess Asachal in the middle of the room. (6) Converse with Muta at the bottom of the stairs and head on up in search for the Rhuduar-stone. You'll discover it mysteriously missing inside a room ripped to sunder.
"If you and the dwarves let us be, then we will let you live under the mountain in peace." - Hraubrek