Apprehension - Poem by Resolina
There once was a person who brought daily a suggestion
To a great multitude of things that gave him indigestion
He thought he could rally the people and create a stir of congestion
That would force the developers to have an intervention
He liked the fact that his opinion brought forth attention
But only if they were willing, without rejection
Unfortunately his words created dissension
The things that annoyed him were from his own perception
"I don't care about the lore" he openly said in confession
"I'd go to a library to read" when experiencing prehension
"We should force everyone to one place" as a redirection
"So we can see everyone playing" since he was missing connection
He didn't see the world as many did, upon reflection
The stories and the lore was near perfection
"No kinship!" he shouted, wanting the game to make selection
As he skipped to the end without discretion
"Why take part with something you don't enjoy?" asked the session.
"Go back to those other games you keep talking about," stated the convention.
But he continued to play the game with an avid obsession
To prove his points despite the oppression
That is until one day came that his words of aggression
Stopped entirely, no pronouncement of infection
He reached the game's end, six months since conception
Perhaps to start another to further share his expression