#1 Letter: Guide to the Kinhouse
Updated (9/20/2023)
Once you join our kinship, you will automatically gain access to our kinhouse located at Tol Lochul Island, Saerath Belfalas Homesteads. The skill should already be added to your Quickslots somewhere. Otherwise you can add the button by going to "Skills" ('K') and drag down "Travel to Kinship House" under "Active" tab & "Travel Skills" submenu. There is an hour cooldown once you use it. It does not share the same cooldown with your "Travel to Personal House" skill.
It's physical location is located within the level 100 area of
Western Gondor. If by some chance you want to reach the Belfalas Housing
District without using the travel skill, you can:
- Use the "To the Cape of Belfalas" Horse next to the Dol Amroth Stable Horse.
- Use the Far-Ranging Stable and travel to "Cape of Belfalas Homestead Neighbourhood" at the very bottom of the list within any housing district
- Tour any house within Belfalas Housing Neighborhoods (preferably on Cypress or Cliff Road if you desire to immediately leave and enter into another neighborhood) from Nothwen at the Boar Fountain in Bree, south of the Prancing Pony or clicking on a book inside the Broker Office southwest of the Boar Fountain.
Once you use the ability, you have access to anything on the island:
- From your immediate right, you can gain a total of nine "Universal Ingredient Packs" from Ingredient Crates per character. You can use the standard crate for three and VIP crate for six every 22 hours. These packs can be opted in for the majority of crafting recipes ('T'). Do note that using them will make the item bound to account.
- To the north end of the island (that would be your right), use any of the outside workstations: Workbench, Garden, Forge, Oven or Study. The "Gondorian Supplier Horn" will launch a vendor where you can buy, sell, or repair items.
- The use of a training dummy. Click on it to summon a dummy set to your level. Once you initiate combat, you will be stuck in combat until you finish the 3-minute course or if you enter into the kinhouse. Your logs will record your total damage and damage per second (DPS) every minute with your total average at the end.
- A Visiting Banker will be accessible for your vault, wardrobe, and shared storage.
- If you follow the left stone wall from the moment you port to the island, you will reach the stables. Just inside is a Stable-Stand that you can click to summon a Far-Reaching Stable-Master.
- Once you become a member, you will gain access to the kinship chest. There are miscellaneous equipment of all levels. Other important items, like crafting supplies, can be asked for from other kin members.
- Books can be used and read. They can sometimes last as long as 4 minutes and cannot be stopped! Ironically you can have more than one book read at a time if you so wish, although I don't recommend it. There are currently no books in the kinhouse. The sections from the bookcases can only be read if you have personally completed that individual Lost Lore Book Quest on your current character. You can stop the reading from those by selecting the bottom option on the bookcase.
- As some side notes, you cannot fish in the "Fish Ponds" in the next room. Though you can fish in the "Round Gondorian Reflection Pool" outside if you so desire. Certain decorations can be used and duplicated to follow you as guards. They can be renamed and generally carry a torch, in and out of buildings, whenever the sun sets.
- There are several items located inside the kinhouse that will teleport you to high-level areas.
- "Mysterious Door" teleports you to the Ruins of Dingarth in the level 108 area of the Mordor expansion.
- "Empty Apple Barrel" teleports you somewhere along the Felegoth river in the level 115 area of Eryn Lasgalen in the Strongholds of the North quest pack.
- "Blazon of the Great Alliance" teleports you to Mordor Besieged area in the level 120 region of Minas Morgul. You must be at minimum level 115 and completed The Black Book Chapter 11.2: The Same As You.
- "War of Three Peaks Map Table" teleports you to the mission room of AnnĂ¢k-khurfu in the level 130 region of Elderslade. This can only be used if you are VIP.
- "A Light From Gundabad" teleports you to Steepset in level 140 region of Mattugard, Gundabad. You must have completed The Legacy of Durin and The Trials of The Dwarves Chapter 5.2: Breaking Through.
- "Caras Gelebren Mural Alcove" takes you close to the ruins of the same name in Echad Terthas inside the Swanfleet zone.
Various items will teleport you to a random location. The four kegs within the side chamber will teleport you in areas between the levels of 10 to 60. Know that you can still get drunk, without teleporting, if by chance you see and use a wooden keg, "tapped" version of a rohirrim keg, or "tapped" version of a gondorian keg. The "Moria Keg" does require "Seeker of Deep Places" awarded from Volume II, Book 1, Chapter 13: The Watcher in the Water. The "Treacherous Hole" located within one of the hidden dwarf chambers performs the same function. Click on the links below for a list of known locations:
If you take the boat from the Lochu Dock,
you will appear at the mainland. Either boat can return you to the
island, but make sure you choose the ones from the Tol Lochu dock and
not the Tol Falthui dock. You can visibly see the kin island from this
spot and sometimes spot Enormous Decorations from the distance. Here you
will gain some features:
- As mentioned above, there is also a new Far-Ranging Stable-master in each of the housing districts. They can take you to the Shire, Bree-land, Falathlorn, Thorin's Gate, and Belfalas Housing Districts. These stables can also port you to Bree-land Festival Grounds in Bree and the Party Tree in Hobbiton. Nearly every major hub is accessible: Rivendell, Michel Delving, Galtrav, South Bree, Caras Galadhon, Celondim, 21st hall, Snowbourn, Erebor, Felegoth, and Ettenmoors. Even Estolad Lan and Magh Ashtu are included from Mordor.
- Your standard Supplier, Provisioner, and Healer is available. Auctioneer and Vault-keeper are there as well. A few others are Forge-master, Relic-master, Cape of Belfalas Housing Broken (for touring houses), and Town Crier (only tells you about Lalia's Market).
- Unlike the other neighborhoods, the Belfalas Housing Furnisher contains all buyable housing items from all other regular neighborhoods (excluding Rohan). There are plenty of starter decorations for your house - wall colors, floor textures, yard decorations, recipes for crafted housing decorations, and themed music (I recommend the 'Belfalas Theme').
- Every neighborhood contains Task Boards from levels 1 to 130. If you have something marked "task item" then you might be able to turn them in here. You will gain a deed for every 100 along a cosmetic cape, title, and a token that increases your daily tasks to any selected character on your account. Most tasks will reward a nice sum of experience and reputation. For the case of Eorlingas and Helmingas in Helm's Deep level 85 area, you also gain 5 Westemnet Iron Coins. A couple higher-level suggested turn-ins are "Shattered Spears" for Riders of Rohan and "Rusted Scimitars" for Dwarves of Erebor. Turn in 10 tasks a week to complete the weekly quest for a Universal Optional Crafting Ingredient that provides you a 100% crit chance on a crafted item (resets every Thursday).
- Surprisingly, there are 7 quests in this housing district that can be gained at any level. Doing all the quests will unlock a deed. Visit Narvindon (the place, not the man) at the southern tip of the island to start a couple of them. You will receive a few Amroth tokens, a title, and a few nifty housing decorations.