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The Song of Waves and Wind

The Song of Waves and Wind Corsairs of Umbar: Standing Stone Games wanted to do more with the Epic story but felt that doing so should warrant a premium cost. Instead of providing a simple guide through the areas, they introduced the very first chapter in Gondor Renewed . This provided people a chance to purchase a quest pack and gain access to the entire Epic in the expansion... and beyond . Within these two subsets, there are a total of  106 quests - some that provide you a choice of action, some that are completely optional, and some that are very circumstantial depending on your decision way back in Volume III: Book 1, Chapter 4 . If for some reason you did miss a quest, you have the opportunity to return to do it . Unfortunately, where the content divides can be a little tricky. In my previous article, we covered Chapters 1.1 - 2.8 that takes place within the level 140 regions. The following chapters will cover what is contained within the regions of the expansion. "So t