Tropical Kinhouse
Kinhouse Remodel Tropical Environment: The last time there was a remodel for the kinhouse was way back in September 2023. That was the time the Lyndelby Housing District opened up with a number of new hobbit-style decorations. The Spring Festival that year introduced a lot of new trees that were perfect for a King's Gondor theme. Since then, Corsairs of Umbar introduced a ton of new decorations. Midsummer Festival brought forth a lot of different palm trees. The Reward Track had a mixed bag of themes with elves, ship decorations, and a number of decorations combined for market stalls. Now was the perfect time to change things up. Beach: When you first enter, I arranged the Archway to Umbar (earned with Eagle bits from the Allegiance barterer) above the chest like how the Arnorian Arch was arranged a few years back. Turning the floor into sand was perhaps the very first thing I wanted to do for the entrance. The vines weren't planned. The singing bowl was actually one o...